Ray Marching

  1. 表面法线
  2. 参考网站

from "Ray tracing" on Wikipedia

  • Ray Marching和Ray Tracing有一些相似之处。看上图,可以看出来他们都说从摄像机的位置开始,遍历屏幕上的所有像素,通过从摄像机穿过像素的射线来计算出该点像素的颜色。
  • 对于Ray Marching来说,通过使用SDF函数来判断是否碰撞到物体。SDF函数就是signed distance function,比如说对于球体。
  • 上述就是一个球体的SDF函数,而求得的SDF函数的值就是点P到球体的最短距离。
  • 对于测试点P的depth来说,增加SPF(p)的大小肯定是不会发生碰撞的。然后考虑到如果该射线最终能撞到物体,那么depth肯定是一个固定值,而如果不撞到其他物体的话,那么depth = + $\infty$。所以需要设置p的最小值(初试值),最大值(超过这个值认为没有hit),depth的最小值(小于这个值认为ray marching结束),ray marching步长(超过这个值认为ray marching结束)

From GPU Gems 2: Chapter 8.

  • 可以拿上图举例,从点P0开始,计算场景中所有SDF的值,并取最小值,那么depth加上这个值肯定不会发生碰撞。

// co:circle origin
// tp:test point
float CircleSDF(vec3 co,float radius,vec3 tp)
    return length(co-tp)-radius;

float SceneSDF(vec3 tp)
    float tp1 = CircleSDF(vec3(0,0,0),1.f,tp);
    float tp2 = CircleSDF(vec3(1,1,0),1.f,tp);
    return min(tp1,tp2);

float Scene(vec3 eye,vec3 dir, int MAX_STRIDE,float E,float MIN_DIS,float MAX_DIS)
    float depth = MIN_DIS;
    for(int i = 0; i < MAX_STRIDE;++i)
        float inc = SceneSDF(eye+depth*dir);
        if(inc < E)
            return depth;
        depth += inc;
        if(depth > MAX_DIS)
            return MAX_DIS;
       return depth;

vec3 GetRayDirection(float fov,vec2 size, vec2 fragCoord)
    vec3 dir;
    dir.xy = fragCoord - size/2.f;
       dir.z = - ((size.y/2.f)/tan(radians(fov)/2.f));
    return normalize(dir);

void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
    const float MAX_DIS = 100.f;
    const float MIN_DIS = 0.f;
    const float E = 0.1f;
    const int MAX_STRIDE = 255;
    vec3 eye = vec3(0.f,0.f,5.f);
    vec3 dir = GetRayDirection(45.f,iResolution.xy,fragCoord.xy);
    float depth = Scene(eye,dir,MAX_STRIDE,E,MIN_DIS,MAX_DIS);

    if(depth < MAX_DIS - E)
        fragColor = vec4(1,0.75,0.79,1.f);

      fragColor = vec4(0.f,0.f,0.f,1.f); 


  • 梯度的值 == 法线的值
  • 上面的式子可以用下面的式子来近似

    But no need to break out the calculus chops here. Instead of taking the real derivative of the function, we’ll do an approximation by sampling points around the point on the surface, much like how you learned to calculate slope in a function as over rise-over-run before you learned how to do derivatives.


// co:circle origin
// tp:test point
float CircleSDF(vec3 co,float radius,vec3 tp)
    return length(co-tp)-radius;

float SceneSDF(vec3 tp)
    return CircleSDF(vec3(0,0,0),1.f,tp);

float Scene(vec3 eye,vec3 dir, int MAX_STRIDE,float E,float MIN_DIS,float MAX_DIS)
    float depth = MIN_DIS;
    for(int i = 0; i < MAX_STRIDE;++i)
        float inc = SceneSDF(eye+depth*dir);
        if(inc < E)
            return depth;
        depth += inc;
        if(depth > MAX_DIS)
            return MAX_DIS;
       return depth;

vec3 GetRayDirection(float fov,vec2 size, vec2 fragCoord)
    vec3 dir;
    dir.xy = fragCoord - size/2.f;
       dir.z = - ((size.y/2.f)/tan(radians(fov)/2.f));
    return normalize(dir);

vec3 estimateNormal(vec3 p,float EPSILON) {
    return normalize(vec3(
        SceneSDF(vec3(p.x + EPSILON, p.y, p.z)) - SceneSDF(vec3(p.x - EPSILON, p.y, p.z)),
        SceneSDF(vec3(p.x, p.y + EPSILON, p.z)) - SceneSDF(vec3(p.x, p.y - EPSILON, p.z)),
        SceneSDF(vec3(p.x, p.y, p.z  + EPSILON)) - SceneSDF(vec3(p.x, p.y, p.z - EPSILON))

vec3 GetColor(vec3 p)
    return estimateNormal(p,0.01f);

void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
    const float MAX_DIS = 100.f;
    const float MIN_DIS = 0.f;
    const float E = 0.1f;
    const int MAX_STRIDE = 255;
    vec3 eye = vec3(0.f,0.f,5.f);
    vec3 dir = GetRayDirection(45.f,iResolution.xy,fragCoord.xy);
    float depth = Scene(eye,dir,MAX_STRIDE,E,MIN_DIS,MAX_DIS);

    if(depth > MAX_DIS - E)
        fragColor = vec4(0.f,0.f,0.f,1.f);

    fragColor = vec4(GetColor(eye + depth * dir),1.f);


