Games101 Animation_Simulation

Animation / Simulation

  • 动画是一种信息传递的工具
    • 美学经常比技术重要
  • 是模型的延伸→连续性
    • Represent scene models as a function of time
  • 输出:sequence of images that when viewed sequentially provide a sense of motion
    • 电影:24FPS
    • 视频:30FPS、29.994FPS
    • VR:90FPS (不晕的基础要求)

Keyframe animation关键帧动画

  • Animator (e.g. lead animator) creates keyframes 关键帧
  • Assistant (person or computer) creates in-between frames (“tweening”) 渐变帧

关键的技术难点 - Interpolation 插值

  • Linear interpolation usually not good enough
  • Recall splines for smooth / controllable interpolation


Physical Simulation物理模拟

  • 模拟、仿真:推导、实现公式,模拟出物体应该怎么变化
  • 例子:布料模拟、流体模拟

质点弹簧系统 Mass Spring System: Example of Modeling a Dynamic System

  • A Simple Idealized Spring
    • 没有初始长度
    • 随着拉力线性增长/缩短,线性系数是spring coefficient: stiffness
    • Force pulls points together
    • Strength proportional to displacement (Hooke’s Law)
    • 问题:长度会倾向于0
  • Non-Zero Length Spring

    • 初始长度Rest length不为零
    • Problem: oscillates forever 永远震荡

      • $\frac{\boldsymbol{b}-\boldsymbol{a}}{|\boldsymbol{b}-\boldsymbol{a}|}$表示受力方向
      • $|\boldsymbol{b}-\boldsymbol{a}|-l$表示弹簧拉伸长度
  • Dot Notation for Derivatives:(用点表示导数)
  • Introducing Energy Loss

    • Simple motion damping 阻尼(对弹簧全局作用)

    • Behaves like viscous drag on

    • Slows down motion in the direction of velocity
    • $k_d$ is a damping coefficient
    • 问题:Slows down all motion
      • Want a rusty spring’s oscillations to slow down, but should it also fall to the ground more slowly? 跟全局速度挂钩
      • 无法表示弹簧内部的损耗
  • Internal Damping for Spring

    • 相对运动越快,f就越大,所以跟局部加速度有关
    • 注意这里一定要将质量在相对加速度投影到弹簧ab方向,才是影响弹簧的力,比如旋转的时候加速度方向和弹簧方向垂直,不影响.

    • Viscous drag only on change in spring length

      • 粘性阻力仅在弹簧长度变化时
      • Won’t slow group motion for the spring system (e.g. global translation or rotation of the group)
        • 弹簧系统不会减慢群组运动(例如,群组的整体平移或旋转)
    • Note: This is only one specific type of damping 只是一种阻尼的近似

Structures from Springs

  • 通过质点弹簧系统来进行布料模拟
    Step 1: Sheets
  • This structure will not resist shearing切变会露馅
  • This structure will not resist out-of-plane bending…

Step 2: 增加斜向方向弹簧

  • This structure will resist shearing but has anisotropic bias 各向异性
  • This structure will not resist out-of-plane bending either…

Step 3: 增加双斜向方向弹簧

  • This structure will resist shearing. Less directional bias.
  • This structure will not resist out-of-plane bending either… 弯折

Step 4: 增加横向和纵向 (skip connection)

  • This structure will resist shearing. Less directional bias.
  • This structure will resist out-of-plane bending (横向和纵向的弹簧力比斜向的弱很多)(对折)

有限元方法(FEM (Finite Element Method) Instead of Springs)

  • 车辆碰撞


Particle Systems

  • 建模定义很多粒子
  • 每个粒子有自己的属性

  • Model dynamical systems as collections of large numbers of particles
  • Each particle’s motion is defined by a set of physical (or non-physical) forces
  • Popular technique in graphics and games
    • Easy to understand, implement
    • Scalable: fewer particles for speed, more for higher complexity

  • Challenges
    • May need many particles (e.g. fluids)
    • May need acceleration structures (e.g. to find nearest particles for interactions)

  • 简易算法
For each frame in animation
  [If needed] Remove dead particles
  Calculate forces on each particle
  Update each particle’s position and velocity
  [If needed] Create new particles
  Render particles
  • 定义个体和群体之间的关系

Particle System Forces

Attraction and repulsion forces

• Gravity, electromagnetism, …

• Springs, propulsion, …

Damping forces

• Friction, air drag, viscosity, …


• Walls, containers, fixed objects, …

• Dynamic objects, character body parts, …

Example: Simulated Flocking as an ODE(常微分方程)

  • 定义鸟儿之间交互的规则:个体对群体的观察
  • Model each bird as a particle Subject to very simple forces:
  • attraction to center of neighbors
  • repulsion from individual neighbors
  • alignment toward average trajectory of neighbors Simulate evolution of large particle system numerically Emergent complex behavior (also seen in fish, bees, …)

Example: Molecular Dynamics

Example: Crowds + “Rock” Dynamics


  • 运动学:正向和反向

Forward Kinematics 正向运动学


Articulated skeleton

  • Topology (what’s connected to what)
  • Geometric relations from joints
  • Tree structure (in absence of loops)

Joint types

  • Pin (1D rotation)
  • Ball (2D rotation)
  • Prismatic joint (translation)


  • Direct control is convenient
  • Implementation is straightforward


  • Animation may be inconsistent with physics
  • Time consuming for artists

Inverse Kinematics 逆运动学

  • 限制各个部位(通常只有终端)的位置、限制骨骼的运动方式→计算骨骼的运动
  • 方便控制形体整体形状
  • 解特别复杂,可能并不唯一,也可能无解


Numerical solution to general N-link IK problem

• Choose an initial configuration

• Define an error metric (e.g. square of distance between goal and current position)

• Compute gradient of error as function of configuration

• Apply gradient descent (or Newton’s method, or other optimization procedure)

例子:Style-Based IK



  • Rigging is a set of higher level controls on a character that allow more rapid & intuitive modification of pose, deformations, expression, etc.

  • Important

    • Like strings on a puppet
    • Captures all meaningful character changes
    • Varies from character to character
  • Expensive to create
    • Manual effort 定控制点,拉控制点(应该怎么定、应该怎么拉 → 动画师)
    • Requires both artistic and technical training

Blend Shapes 控制点间的位置插值计算

  • Instead of skeleton, interpolate directly between surfaces
    • E.g., model a collection of facial expressions:
  • Simplest scheme: take linear combination of vertex positions
  • Spline used to control choice of weights over time

Motion Capture

  • 真人控制点反映到虚拟角色中去,需要建立真实和虚拟的联系

Data-driven approach to creating animation sequences

  • Record real-world performances (e.g. person executing an activity)
  • Extract pose as a function of time from the data collected


  • Can capture large amounts of real data quickly

  • Realism can be high


  • Complex and costly set-ups 复杂、花钱

  • Captured animation may not meet artistic needs, requiring alterations 不符合艺术家要求,不可能实现的动作

  • 捕捉条件限制


  • Optical (More on following slides)
    • Markers on subject
    • Positions by triangulation from multiple cameras
    • 8+ cameras, 240 Hz, occlusions are difficult
  • Magnetic Sense magnetic fields to infer position / orientation. Tethered.
  • Mechanical Measure joint angles directly. Restricts motion.

Challenges of Facial Animation

  • Uncanny valley
    • In robotics and graphics
    • As artificial character appearance approaches human realism, our emotional response goes negative, until it achieves a sufficiently convincing level of realism in expression

动画的制作流程 The Production Pipeline

Single Particle Simulation

  • 假设粒子在的运动由速度场决定
    • 速度场是一个关于位置和时间的函数 $v(x,t)$
  • 对于粒子我们知道在时间$t_{0}$的速度$v_{t0}$和位置$x_{t0}$
    • 我们要求的是任意时间$t_{1}$的位置$x_{t1}$

Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) 常微分方程



  • 连续:积分
  • 离散:Euler’s Method欧拉方法

    • Explicit Euler method (forward 前向、显式)

      • 始终用前一帧的状态来更新后一帧

      • Simple iterative method

      • Commonly used
    • 问题:
      • Very inaccurate 很不准确:步长越大越不准确
        • With numerical integration, errors accumulate
        • Euler integration is particularly bad
      • Most often goes unstable 不稳定
        • 容易出现正反馈,离正确结果越来越远

Instability and improvements

Solving by numerical integration with finite differences leads to two problems:

Errors 误差 不是特别大的问题

  • Errors at each time step accumulate. Accuracy decreases as simulation proceeds
  • Accuracy may not be critical in graphics applications

Instability 不稳定性 很要命!

  • Errors can compound, causing the simulation to diverge even when the underlying system does not 收敛很重要!
  • Lack of stability is a fundamental problem in simulation, and cannot be ignored

Combating Instability

Midpoint method

  • 用一次欧拉方法得到a点
  • 取起点到a点的终点b,得到对应的速度
  • 在起始点应用b点的速度进行欧拉方法,得到c点

Adaptive Step Size

  • 用一次欧拉方法得到$X_{T}$点
  • 在中点处再用欧拉方法得到$X_{T/2}$点
  • 判断两个点之间的距离,超过一定距离递归的缩小步长

Implicit Eulr Method

  • Use the velocity at the next time step (hard)
  • 是一个方程组,有三个未知数,只能假设一个已知(猜)
  • Use root-finding algorithm, e.g. Newton’s method
  • Offers much better stability
  • Implicit Euler has order 1, which means that

    • Local truncation error: O(h^2) and
    • Global truncation error: O(h) (h is the step, i.e. ∆t)


    • If we halve h, we can expect the error to halve as well

    • 阶数越高越好,减小步长的情况下降低更快

Runge-Kutta Families

  • A family of advanced methods for solving ODEs
  • Especially good at dealing with non-linearity
  • It’s order-four version is the most widely used, a.k.a. RK4

更多:Numerical Analysis 对图形学有用 (其他的:信号处理)

Position-Based / Verlet Intergation

  • Constrain positions and velocities of particles after time step



  • After modified Euler forward-step, constrain positions of particles to prevent divergent, unstable behavior
  • Use constrained positions to calculate velocity
  • Both of these ideas will dissipate energy, stabilize

Pros / cons

  • Fast and simple
  • Not physically based, dissipates energy (error)

Rigid body simulation


Simple case

  • Similar to simulating a particle
  • Just consider a bit more properties 拓展

Fluid Simulation

A Simple Position-Based Method


Key idea

  • Assuming water is composed of small rigid-body spheres 水是由小球组成的
  • Assuming the water cannot be compressed (i.e. const. density) 不可压缩
  • So, as long as the density changes somewhere, it should be “corrected” via changing the positions of particles 密度有变化,就要想着改回去,移动小球位置
  • You need to know the gradient of the density anywhere w.r.t. each particle’s position


  • Update? Just gradient descent! 梯度下降


流体模拟中两种不同的思路:Eulerian vs. Lagrangian



Material Point Method (MPM)

Hybrid, combining Eulerian and Lagrangian views

  • Lagrangian: consider particles carrying material properties 物质由粒子组成,粒子有属性
  • Eulerian: use a grid to do numerical integration 网格上计算如何运动
  • Interaction: particles transfer properties to the grid, grid performs update, then interpolate back to particles 网格属性写回网格内粒子上