- 隐式表示
- 形式: $f(x,y,z) = 0$
- based on classifying points
- points satisfy some specified relationship
- pros
- compact description (e.g., a function)
- certain queries easy (inside object, distance to surface)
- good for ray-to-surface intersection (光线求交,more later)
- for simple shapes, exact description / no sampling error
- easy to handle changes in topology (e.g., fluid)
- cons
- Sampling can be hard
- difficult to model complex shapes
- many implicit representations in graphics:
- Algebraic surface
- 最直接的,用数学公式
- 不直观
- Constructive solid geomentry(CSG)
- 基本形状的布尔操作组合成复杂形状
- Combine implicit geometry via Boolean operations
- Distance Functions(距离场)
- giving minimum distance(could be signed distance) from anywhere to object.
- level set methods(s水平集)
- store a grid of values approximating function
- 例子:CT扫描,等高线
- fractals
- 自相似
- 递归
- Algebraic surface
- 显式表示
- 形式:$f:R^{2} \rightarrow R^{3}; (u,v) \rightarrow (x,y,z)$
- All points are given directly or via parameter mapping
- Pros
- Sampling is Easy
- cons
- Inside/outside Test Hard
- many explicit Representations in Graphics
- point cloud
- 一堆点
- 可以表示任何几何
- Useful for LARGE datasets (>>1 point/pixel)
- Often converted into polygon mesh
- Difficult to draw in undersampled regions(在采样不足的区域很难绘制)
- Polygon mesh
- store vertices & polygons(often triangles or quads)
- easier to do processing /simulation,adaptive sampling
- more complicated data structures
- perhaps most common representation in graphics
- obj文件
- subdivision surfaces
- Bezier surfaces
- point cloud
曲线 Curve
Bézier Curves 贝塞尔曲线
- p0和p3定义起点和终点
- p1和p2定义起点与终点的切线方向(与p0和p3一起)
Evaluating Bézier Curves (de Casteljau Algorithm)
例子:(quadratic Bezier 二次贝塞尔曲线)



- 仿射变换前后统一
- 凸包性质:形成的曲线一定在控制点形成的凸包内
piecewise Bezier Curves(分段贝塞尔曲线)
instead,chain many low-order bezier curve
- Piecewise cubic bezier the most common technique
- $C^{0}$连续:连接处值相等
- $C^{1}$连续:连接处一阶可导
- …
- $G^{0}$连续:等于$C^{0}$
- $G^{1}$连续:
- Spline (样条):a continuous curve constructed so as to pass through a given set of points and have a certain number of continuous derivatives. (a curve under control)
- bezier曲线缺点
- 一旦确定特征多边形,就确定了曲线的阶次
- Bezier曲线拼接复杂(需要满足几何连续性,参数连续性等)
- Bezier曲线不能作局部修改(只能整体修改)
- basis splines 基函数样条
- 满足局部性
- 可能是图形学里面最复杂的一部分
- 是贝塞尔曲线的超集
- Further:B样条、NURBS(非均匀有理B样条)https://www.bilibili.com/video/av66548502
- 两个不同时间t(u,v)
- 4x4个点,四条4个控制点的贝塞尔曲线,取同一时间(比如说u)获得四个控制点,取时间v,即获得最后的曲面上的点
Mesh Subdivision
- Increase resolution
- 细分的应用场景:Displacement mapping 位移贴图 需要模型足够细致,于是需要细分(最好是动态细分)
Loop Subdivision
- 局限
create more triangles (vertices)
Split each triangle into four
tune their positions (形状需要有改变)
Assign new vertex positions according to weights
New / old vertices updated differently 新老点分别改变

Catmull-Clark Subdivision(General Mesh)

- 顶点调整

Mesh Simplification
- Decrease resolution
- Try to preserve shape/appearance
- Goal: reduce number of mesh elements while maintaining the overall shape
Edge collapse:边坍缩
- 哪些边合并?如何合并?
- Quadric Error Metrics(⼆次误差度量)放在二次误差之和最小的地方
- Quadric Error: new vertex should minimize its sum of square distance(L2 distance) to previously related triangle planes.
- Quadric Error Metrics(⼆次误差度量)放在二次误差之和最小的地方

Simplification via Quadric Error
- Garland & Heckbert 1997.
- iteratively collapse edge with smallest score
- 有问题,一条边的操作会影响其它边,需要更新
- 数据结构:优先队列 or 堆
- 贪心算法,非全局最优
- 可以有的放矢
Mesh Regularizatiom
- (不会出现特别奇怪的三角形)
- Modify sample distribution to improve quality
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